Structural Analysis

Structural Analysis

An approach used to analyse the behaviour of a given structural system using analytical modelling tools and the BIM design authoring model. The optimization process uses the modelling to meet the minimal standards for structural design. To generate effective, efficient, and constructible structural systems, additional research and refining of the structural design is done in light of this analysis.

The development of this knowledge serves as the foundation for what will be conveyed to the stages of digital manufacturing and building system design. It is not necessary to start using BIM from the beginning of the design process for it to be effective. In order to facilitate faster, more efficient fabrication and for better coordination during construction, structural analysis is frequently used at the connection design level.

Designing a construction system is another application that this connects to and is tied into. Examples include, but are not limited to: erection design, construction means and procedures, and rigging. Performance simulations made possible by the use of this analysis tool can considerably enhance the facility's design, functionality, and safety over the course of its life.

We Have Following Resources and Team of Experts:

Experts team to create, manipulate, navigate and to review a 3D structural model.
Design authoring tools.
Sufficient hardware to run software.
Structural Engineering analysis tools and software.
Experienced professionals in structural sequencing method
Experienced professionals in structural conductibility methods

Our Potential Worth

  • More fluid transition BIM authoring tools enable new businesses to employ this use model.
  • Save money and effort by avoiding the creation of additional models.
  • Boost the design firm's specific knowledge and services.
  • Enhance the design analyses' quality.
  • Cut down on the design analysis cycle time.
  • Utilizing audit and analytical tools to accelerate the ROI for engineering assessments.
  • Applying a variety of rigorous studies will help you arrive at the most effective design options.
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